Tech Developer articles

If we write something that we think is useful, we'll share it with you

tech articles

We’re happy to share our code and ideas we come up with durting our daily workload.

Hide and Show onClick in Elementor

Add Your Heading Text Here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. now hide Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,


Add a vcard on button click in elementor

This is how you can create a vcard on a button click If you’re directing people to a page by QR code from a phone, it can be useful for

Scroll Down Icon Png 3

Change css on scroll

We needed to build a method to change css color on scroll Scroll down to see the color change This line and the title above are going to change colour.

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