SEO articles

It's worth straying up to date in this ever changing landscape


We will lay out the current practices and things you can do to improve your presence online.

Benefits Of Schema 5

Will a schema help my online shop gain the competitive edge

The benefits of schema markup for ecommerce The point of having a schema is to help search engines understand what the content of your website actually means, which can ultimately

E Commerce Seo

SEO for eCommerce

What does it take to produce great SEO for eCommerce websites? Put yourself in the mind of the customer. What are they looking for? What are they asking? What are

Building A Local Events And Seasonal Strategy

Building a local events and seasonal strategy

For many of you, local search results and seasonal ones are key to your online success As a local business, you are going to need to improve your online visibility.


Why does speed matter for a website

Having a fast website is an absolute must in the modern world. We all rely on the internet to access information, be it for social or business reasons. That said,

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Keeping a site fast

Staying fast is a must for any modern website. Websites must focus on load speed, not just at the build phase, but during the ongoing updating and growth phase. To

High Level Internal Link Building Strategies

Google and Link Text

Google has recently released updated best practices for links in their SEO and search developer documentation. Initially focused on creating crawlable links, the revised document from Google now includes additional

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